What Our Seniors See

Photo via Pexels.com
February 23, 2022
Housing facilities and nursing homes are all over the world and are crucial to a large number of senior citizens. The Housing Act of 1937 established the federal public housing program. Public housing, which was originally meant to be a jobs program and a slum-clearing campaign, was the result of fully represented activism. Massive public support for the drive for government-sponsored housing was developed by social justice activists.
While many people think of housing facilities as a good thing such as Annabelle Brown, a junior at La Jolla High School, who wanted to share her opinion on the topic, “I think housing facilities are good, they help seniors who aren’t able to do things they used to do.” There are also certain drawbacks. Many studies have been conducted to show that staff at senior home facilities abuse the residents. There have also been several studies demonstrating that seniors residing in housing institutions are living in poverty. Over 50,000 people were promised they would be “temporarily” moved, yet only half of them were able to return to their restored houses, and even fewer were able to afford the new mixed-income housing. The most common reason for senior citizens living in nursing homes is a condition that prevents them from doing daily activities. People who live in nursing facilities, predictably, have greater disabilities than those who live at home. Majority of nursing home patients require assistance with three or more daily life tasks such as dressing and bathing.
More than three-quarters of nursing-home residents have difficulty making everyday decisions, and two-thirds suffer memory impediments or forget where they are. In nursing facilities, the length of residence varies substantially. About a quarter of those who are admitted to these facilities only stay for a short period (3 months or less). Many patients who stay in a nursing home for a short period are first hospitalized for rehabilitation or end of life care.
There have been several studies shown to prove that white Americans are more likely to be admitted to a nursing home than other races. Which is upsetting because there are several seniors who need care and help that are people of color. Housing facilities include counseling, social work services, and leisure However, it is critical to understand the objectives of healthcare and what to expect throughout a term. Care facilities are not hospitals, and seniors may not receive the same amount of testing or assessments from doctors, registered nurses, or other staff members as you would in a hospital, but without these establishments, there would be a lot of problems going around.