After last year’s unsuccessful winter formal, students this year had no clue if a winter formal would even happen in 2025. Last year’s tickets were set at a whopping 75 dollars, with very low attendance. However, ASB has announced that the winter formal this year is confirmed, with the theme of “Under the Sea.” Occurring on February 22nd in the center of the Birch Aquarium, food and music will be included. Furthermore, according to ASB the aquarium will be open for all who attend the dance to explore the sea life that the aquarium offers. It’s important to mention that the Birch Aquarium’s famous Hall of Fishes is under construction so it will not be open during the dance. Senior ASB President Olivia Smith said, “We’re doing a limited number of tickets, so tickets are going to be harder to get this year, and we’re only selling for a week.” This year, students have been discussing their worries regarding pricing. Now tickets bought with an SAC card are $40 and without they are $45, Smith assures students that “it’s way cheaper than last year.”
Excitement about winter formal has broken out at LJHS, but a few are still concerned about the unsuccessful dances in the past. Senior Elena Farrar, who went to Winter Formal last year, said, “One thing I liked was the food, and the place was itself nice. What I didn’t like was how we constantly had the band playing because they wouldn’t play music that you could really dance to, and also not a lot of people came, so the environment was kinda bad.” Other students reflected on this year’s homecoming and ASB’s success so far. Freshman Kiril Scharff said, “I hope it’s better than homecoming because it was pretty lame on the softball field, and there wasn’t much to do, so I hope there is more to do there. I’m excited to attend Winter Formal!”