Lunchtime at La Jolla High has always been an important highlight in many students’ days. There are plenty of activities, clubs, groups of people, and lunch spots for students to indulge in the thirty minute break from classes. Although La Jolla staff have tried to make lunchtime an enjoyable experience for everyone, many students feel bored and even trapped on campus. This issue posed the inevitable question: Why can’t students leave campus during lunch?
La Jolla High senior Roxanne Metcalf, shares her experience, “I don’t mind eating lunch on campus, I think one of the advantages is you get to be with your friends and hang out with people you don’t normally hang out with,” says Metcalf, “but you are restricted to the choices you have, your not able to eat what you want.” Many upperclassmen identify that they would want to have lunch off campus, it would “give kids a break and let them focus on something that isn’t school related while relaxing off campus,” states ASB member, Jacey Taylor.
La Jolla High did once allow students to venture off campus for lunch, but the privilege was taken away in 1996 due to a district-wide decision. “There are dangers behind leaving and there are also consequences and risks, because if something were to happen off campus, we are still responsible for students,” says staff member Shelley Villegas. Although there are plenty of advantages for students to leave campus during lunch, there are also many other benefits to staying on school grounds. “Lunch is free, so no money out of your pocket, and leaving will affect students’ attendance,” states Villegas.