In the early days of 2025, this is the time where many people from all over the world participate in making New Year’s resolutions. These usually revolve around the intention of starting something new or making goals to achieve in the new year. Setting these aspirations might seem like a harmless and easy objective to maintain, but in reality, people tend to overlook how New Year’s resolutions can actually be a waste of time and effort.
LJHS’s Multi-media teacher, Mr. EK, strongly believes in the benefits from making new years aspirations, saying, “I tend to look towards the new year and figure out what I want to accomplish,” a fresh start emphasizes the importance of feeling productive and setting goals. “I can definitely look back at Januaries over the past couple of years,” EK shares, “and say those are the ones where I set myself up for success for the next months to come.” Mr. EK plans to work hard and focus on his art career, he strives to continue producing music through the new techniques he learns in 2025.
Although there are immense benefits to maintaining a New Year’s resolution, fulfilling it can be hard for people. In fact, individuals tend to feel unmotivated to achieve their goal, or they do not have the right resources in order to complete them. Furthermore, junior Ella Cathalinat, states “New Year’s resolutions are unrealistic because people make them at the start of the year and typically just forget about them as time goes on.” she adds, “I stopped making them, I was never bothered to actually try to accomplish them.”
New Year’s Resolutions: A Waste or Worth It?
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About the Contributor

Savannah Putnam, Staff Writer
Savannah Putnam is a junior at La Jolla High School, and this is her first year being part of The Hi-Tide Newspaper staff. She is excited to learn more about journalism and to become a stronger writer with the skills she learns from writing with The Hi-Tide. Her hopes for this year on the Hi-Tide are to write important articles that deal with the voices of the unheard. Savannah is a part of the La Jolla High Field Hockey team and Softball team and enjoys being part of the La Jolla community. Savannah is a cooperative and enthusiastic team member who is ready to put in the hard work and succeed throughout the year.