The highly anticipated annual Powderpuff event happened on Friday, January 24th. All of the teams were made up of 20 girls from each grade and coached by three to four varsity football players. The flag football games consisted of freshmen vs. juniors and sophomores vs. seniors, with the field split in two and played simultaneously on opposite sides, with the winners of each going head-to-head in a final full-field game. Freshman Brandy Cuevas said, “I’m excited about playing with people in higher grades. It’s very exciting because I’m a freshman and I’ll be going against 10th, 11th, and 12th graders.”
The game was close between the sophomores and the seniors, but despite the sophomores’ best efforts, they were no match for the seniors. Sophomore Aura Bolin said, “playing in Powderpuff was fun. I liked getting to practice and play with my friends in a sport we don’t normally play.” On the other side of the field, the juniors didn’t make it easy on the freshmen, having a great offense.
Since the juniors and seniors won their respective games, they went against each other in the final Powderpuff game. It was a constant battle between the two and although they both had amazing offense and defense, the juniors soared through the field, landing the final touchdown and crowning them the winners of the 2025 Powderpuff event.