Valencia, Spain, suffered a year’s worth of rain from afternoon to early morning on October 29th which caused massive floods all over the city. The residents of Valencia suffered greatly, as the flood destroyed countless homes and over 200 people were believed to be killed.
The source of these floods is a rare meteorological phenomenon called by the Spanish acronym DANA, in which a year’s worth of rain falls in a very short period of time. The acronym DANA directly translates to “isolated depression at high levels.” This phenomenon is caused when a mass of warm air crashes with cold air at a surface.
This phenomenon can cause a very large amount of destruction. For the people in Valencia, the flood’s effects were devastating. Hundreds of people across Valencia and the world are mourning for the death of their loved ones. Dozens of streets and highways are flooded, filled with destroyed homes and automobiles.
Mrs Savoia, who teaches AP Spanish Literature, says, “The destruction has stopped everything and I hope that they can eventually rebuild. The only good thing I can see come out of it is the level of cooperation and support amongst them and for them in Valencia.” The flood was so catastrophic that citizens from other countries, including soldiers, came to help the residents of Valencia because the government wouldn’t provide any help. The residents also suffer from shortages of food and water, making the situation worse. Once the royals of Spain finally decided to come, the residents were fed up due to not receiving any help whatsoever the past few days and yelled “Murderer!” at the royals. Additionally, they threw mud and other items while taking out their anger at the royals.