Recently, posters promoting the theater department’s upcoming production of The Crucible have been displayed throughout the campus. The show, created in 1953, depicts a tragic story set during the Salem witch trial. The show’s tickets are on sale, and the theater department thinks they might sell out of tickets. Logan Gunn, senior, actor, and co-president of the Host Club, was asked about any defining parts of the production. Gunn said, “The coolest thing about the show is that there’s not any small parts of the show. Everyone has a big role to play…every single part is a part of this village affected by this witch trial.” Gunn’s role in the play is part of John Hale, and he is excited about the theater’s production. Sophia Howton, Junior, and stage manager, said, “So far, it’s been running pretty smoothly.” Howtons’ job as stage manager is to manage all the people doing the behind-the-scenes work. Both Gunn and Howton rated The Crucible highly, with Gunn placing it in his top five plays and Howton saying, “I think it’s really interesting … they should definitely come see it.” The play will be a story with many important, in-depth characters and scenes. The cast plans and is excited to deliver a powerful performance as they bring The Crucible to the stage on October 10th, 11th, 17th, and 18th.