After Biden announced he was dropping out of the presidential race, many Democratic voters showed excitement for the first time in years, saying they felt a sense of hope. Vice President Kamala Harris stepped up for the role of the Democratic nominee. To gather excitement for Harris’ campaign, the Democratic Party hosted a four-day convention to appoint her and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as the democratic party nominees for the upcoming president and vice president positions. La Jolla High School Sophomore, Eva Obler says, “I watched some of the DNC, and the RNC as well.” The RNC is the Republican National Convention, similar to the DNC but hosted for the Republican Party. Obler continues, “The glaringly obvious difference between the two, is that the Democrats have more of a joyous outlook on their entire political views, you can see while they’re announcing their candidates and who they’re voting for, the crowd’s uproar and the excitement that the crowds are radiating rather than the Republican Party that is putting words out there just to put words out there.” The guests that spoke at the convention, including both Barack and Michelle Obama, and Oprah Winfrey, as well as many others, talked about their plans to improve this country through equality, justice, and equal opportunities. Even Greg Brower, a former Republican state senator, spoke at the convention. He told the Las Vegas Review-Journal that he likes the Harris-Walz campaign’s positive outlook so far. He felt that their campaign was reiterating the “sense of decency and honor” and said he thought that this would make the country look good on a whole world level. He reflects on those unsure about fully agreeing with the Harris-Walz campaign, “you’re not going to agree with everything that the White House might be advocating for or your party might be advocating for, but to me, that’s not the important thing,” Brower said. “For me, it’s country over party, and patriotism over politics, and so that’s where I’m coming from.” By the end of their campaign on the November 5th election day, Harris and Walz hope that the buzz around them will turn into actual votes.