Jackson Brown has been playing water polo long before his senior year of high school. His season is off to a great start, and he is leading the team as the starting varsity goalie. Despite facing loss to only one other school this season, he has been bringing his all to his last water polo season at La Jolla High before going off to college. Keep reading for an exclusive interview with this Water Polo standout!

Q. How long have you been playing water polo?
JB: “I’ve been playing water polo since around 7th grade.”
Q. What made you start playing water polo?
JB: “It was during the pandemic, and it was one of the only physical activities that was still open, and I just thought the sport was super interesting.”
Q. What is your favorite part about the sport?
JB: “I really love how everybody comes together as a team; it’s a very team oriented sport. Even if you have like one super good guy it’s not enough; everybody has got to be working together, and it’s a small community so you kind of get to know everybody.”
Q: What would you consider your biggest sports achievement?
JB: “I think my biggest sports achievement was probably being the starting Varsity goalie this year, as well as being one of the captains.”
Q. Do you plan on playing water polo in college?
JB: “I’d like to continue to play water polo in college, not have that be the only reason I go to college. I would also like to go for academics, but I would also like to play if I could.”
Q. Do you have any team shoutouts?
JB: “I’d like to shout out the other two captains, Jackson Lloyd and Trevor Kula.”