“Two steps ahead. I am always two steps ahead.” So begins the newest video from Mukbang YouTuber Nikocado Avocado. Full name Nicholas Perry, the 8.6-million-subscribed-to YouTuber, started small. His early videos initially depicted him eating healthy, vegan foods, but it quickly shifted to large quantities of fast food: Chipotle, McDonald’s, and Burger King. His weight increased with his subscription number, despite the flurry of concern for his deteriorating health. Then, out of almost nowhere, Nikocado stopped posting on his main channel. Rumors of heart attacks and failed diets swirled among his viewers, but no one could be sure as to what happened until Nikocado himself responded.
Finally, after 7 months of inactivity, Nikocado broke the silence and posted a video to his channel last Friday, September 9th, titled “Two Steps Ahead”. The video, garnering over 35 million views in 3 days, depicts a new skinny Nikocado akin to the Nikocado of his early videos. He revealed he had lost 250 pounds over the last two years (the Mukbang videos posted after then were pre-recorded).
His weight loss was entirely unprecedented and shocking given the content of his videos. But really, wasn’t he always just two steps ahead?