Official Publication of La Jolla High School Since 1924


Official Publication of La Jolla High School Since 1924


Official Publication of La Jolla High School Since 1924


Ditch if you Dare

Seniors–the class that has been in high school for too long. So long that they even have a word to describe the unmotivated tendencies resulting from the flawed, repetitive school system, which ultimately leads to well-renowned absences: Senioritis. Seniors ditch with little thought of the number of absences piling up in their PowerSchool. Some can graduate, others make up for absences on Saturdays. Nevertheless, none of them want to be in school for any longer. Seniors want a break. They want an extra day or two to live their pre-adult lives with that excitement of skipping school (on a day designated to skip). Leah DeWitt said, “I’m going to live my life. I’ve been in school since I was a little pip-squeak, and now that I’m slightly more mature and a ‘grown-squeak,’ I’m just not about this life anymore.” Her work has been done, and all that is left now is to wait for that beautiful day of graduation. Additionally, Senior Alden Pfau states, “if my grades are locked in, why should I lock in?” A statement that many seniors identify with.

Although the absences for ditch day are not excused, most don’t care as they’re just over it, and their work has paid off. Araceli Chanda thinks that “it should be excused, because it is like one of our senior activities. It’s a little tradition, and having the day not excused discourages student comradery.” Therefore, seniors deserve a reward for being overworked for four consecutive years, which comes in the form of excused ditch days.

Senior Maya Rosen pretending to jump the fence. Image via Maya Rosen.
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About the Contributor
Maya Rosen
Maya Rosen, Staff Writer
Maya Rosen is a senior and is happily taking her second year of journalism. After the first day of school, she did all in her power to fix her schedule to be in this amazing class for one more year. Last year, she was able to experience the journalism world and resulted in her favorite elective, so can you blame her for coming back better and stronger? Using past experiences, Maya is excited to see how she could improve her skills and maybe even bring her journalism skills to the college of her choosing. As a senior, she is determined to make it the best high school year of her life, starting off with an amazing journalism experience.