Fallout, the newest hit series on Amazon Prime Video, has been dominating the charts since its release on April 10th, 2024. It has done so well that it is already confirmed that season two of the show will be produced in the future. The series follows several storylines, meeting unique and interesting characters that leave viewers with a sense of mystery, excitement, and eagerness to learn more. The series takes place in the year 2296, with the backdrop being a post-apocalyptic earth ravaged by a devastating nuclear war in 2077. In addition, it is set in Southern California, where people took refuge in dozens of underground bunkers to protect against radiation and the other elements of a nuclear aftermath.

Gene Parker from the Washington Post reviews, “The best part about the world of the Fallout games, and now this show is that it’s among the most relatable science fiction wastelands.” This speaks volumes to the many generations of Americans who have grown up and lived their whole lives with the threat of all-out nuclear destruction looming maliciously over their heads, allowing them to see what could have been, or what yet could be, in a quirky and gory storyline. “As utterly addicting as it is innovative, and could very well become the new benchmark for the video game prestige series as we know it,” raves Dais Johnston from the Inverse. With a rating of 94% rotten tomatoes and countless glowing reviews, Fallout’s popularity will likely only grow as more and more find comfort and comedy in this relatable, funny, bloody, and irresistible show.