Kyle Benson is a junior at La Jolla High who has played varsity volleyball since his freshman year. Fun fact: Kyle moved back to San Diego from Australia in the middle of his freshman year. He was initially interested in trying out for baseball, but he found out that the tryouts had already happened. Nevertheless, he has been an asset to the LJ Volleyball team ever since. Keep reading for an exclusive interview with volleyball standout Kyle Benson!
Q:What sport(s) do you play?
KB: I play volleyball and beach volleyball.
Q: How long have you been playing volleyball?
KB: About 3 years since the start of my freshman year.
Q: What made you start playing the sport?
KB: Funny story actually. By the time I enrolled at La Jolla High, baseball tryouts were already over. I played volleyball for a few weeks in Australia before coming to San Diego, so I tried out for the volleyball team and ended up making varsity.
Q: What is your favorite part about the sport?
KB: Probably the team aspect. Compared to a lot of other team sports, I feel like volleyball is really team-oriented.
Q: How has your Volleyball season been so far?
KB: It’s been pretty good, but we’ve started to decline performance-wise in the past few weeks. A lot of players have been sick or injured, but we’re hoping to pick it up during CIF season.
Q: Do you plan on playing volleyball in college?
KB: I would like to.
Q: Do you have any team shoutouts?
KB: Shoutout goes to Brennan Schmidt.