Official Publication of La Jolla High School Since 1924


Official Publication of La Jolla High School Since 1924


Official Publication of La Jolla High School Since 1924


Where do you see yourself in 2044?

On April 8th of this year, students on campus were able to see a partial solar eclipse during their third-period class. Students reminisced about seeing a total solar eclipse back in August of 2017 when all current LJHS students were in elementary school. Interestingly, the next solar eclipse that will be visible to San Diegans will be in 2044, and students will be in their mid-late 30s. Hence, we asked the following question: Where do you see yourself in 2044?

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I see myself on a yacht with all my friends.

— Danny Ruiz, sophomore

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I see myself celebrating my thirty-sixth birthday.

— George Hartford, sophomore

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Working as an accountant and having a family.

— Travis Lancaster, junior

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I’m going to be a veterinarian and have 3 kids, and I’ll live in Beverly Hills.

— Chailee Merrick, senior

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Living in Oregon, successful and happy.

— Chloe Lund, junior

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I see myself being a pharmacist in the city I grew up in.

— Miles Izquierdo, senior

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I will become a lawyer and live in a penthouse by Central Park.

— Adam Reeis, senior

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I’ll be a resident in a pediatric hospital doing surgery.

— Shannon Cao, senior

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Hopefully rich, I’ll be 34, hopefully have 2 kids, and I wanna move to Boston.

— Arie Williams, freshman

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I’ll be down with law school, I’ll be a lawyer in New York City and have graduated from Harvard Law class of ‘31.

— Sophie Boxwala, senior


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About the Contributor
Leo Souza
Leo Souza, Features Editor
Leo Souza is a Junior at La Jolla High and is starting off his first year in journalism as the Features editor. Leo enjoys trying out new things and is always up for a challenge. He wishes to further develop his writing and editing skills through something new like Journalism. He hopes his work will entertain and inform people as well as possible. When Leo is not studying or working on Journalism, he enjoys running and working out. He is excited for this upcoming year and wishes to bring out the best in the Hi-Tide.