Wicked is an upcoming film set to be released this year on Wednesday, November 27th, via Universal Pictures. The film revolves around Elphaba Thropp’s adult life, the green-skinned woman who goes on to become the Wicked Witch of the West. The film is based on the 2003 Tony-winning musical of the same name, which in turn is based on the 1995 novel by Gregory Maguire, and stars the likes of Ariana Grande as Galinda, Ethan Slater as Boq, Michelle Yeoh as Madame Morrible, and Cynthia Erivo as Elphaba. Universal Pictures released the “First Look” trailer on February 11th. According to Entertainment Weekly, “The second movie will follow suit and is slated to hit theaters on November 26, 2025. Prepare for sing-alongs to take one not one but two holiday weekends.” Commenting on the movie’s newly released trailer, Junior Palmer Barnett said, “It sounds really interesting.” For fans of the musical and the book, Wicked seems to promise a bewitching experience.
A New Look into Wicked
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About the Contributor
Carson Lupton, Staff Writer
Carson Lupton is a Senior at La Jolla High, and this is his second year in the newspaper. Some of his hobbies include reading, drawing, and rock climbing, which have helped him have a more creative and well-rounded outlook on article writing. He hopes to accomplish much during his year for the Hi-Tide. Principally, he wants to improve the newspaper in a meaningful and lasting way. Another goal he wants to achieve is to make sure that all of his writing and reporting is the best it can be, by putting in as much work and effort as he can into each article. Finally, Carson Lupton hopes to be able to keep improving his writing skills over the school year and ensure that his articles only increase in readability and engagement.