On October 28, Adam Johnson, an Ice Hockey player for the Nottingham Panthers, was the victim of a tragic freak accident when, during the second half of the game, his neck was slashed by the blade of Sheffield Steeler Matt Petragves’s skate. Johnson’s injuries from the cut ultimately resulted in his death. Fans, family, and friends of Johnson were devastated. The Jets players continue to mourn the tragic loss of Adam Johnson.
Controversy arose when a video of the incident began circulating on the internet. The low-quality video shows Johnson racing around the rink when Petgrave comes flying in from the side, hits another player, and slams into Johnson, forcing Johnson onto the ice. This is the tragic moment when Johnson’s neck is fatally cut. After seeing the film, many speculate that the “accident” was not an accident and was done on purpose by Matt Petgrave, who has dealt with an overflow of social media attacks since the incident. However, nothing is confirmed.
Speculations aside, the sport is known to be incredibly dangerous, and the NHL is discussing safety modifications after the incident. Junior Caitlin Gray, who plays for a San Diego girl’s ice hockey travel team, is taking time off due to a concussion. When told Johnson’s story, she says, “I haven’t heard of him, but I know Teddy Balkind, who had something really similar happen to him. I think we really need to improve our safety rules, which are constantly changing, and areas like wrists and necks are unprotected. Without good rules, there are accidents.”
Because Johnson was an American who played for a European team, his story touches people worldwide. On Monday, November 6, thousands gathered to remember Johnson. A few family members told inspiring speeches about the kind of person and player Johnson was.