Donald Trump has been an infamous name for many years. With the upcoming 2024 election, talk of the former president and four-time arrestee holding the honorary title “President” is growing once again. With 26 allegations of sexual misconduct and a mugshot featuring arguably the most pathetic Kubrick stare seen on this planet, even considering another four years with Trump as head of state is laughable. Despite this, many hope for four more years under his incompetence. At this moment, the former president has four indictments, four more than any other president for the last 234 years. At the prospect of reelection, Bryce Bunker, a junior, responded, “in my personal experience, no. I just don’t like him.” Four indictments is reason enough not to elect Donald Trump, likability aside.

Regardless, there is a significant group of supporters, big enough to nominate him as the Republican candidate for 2024. In August of this year, PBS found that seven out of ten Republicans have a “favorable opinion of Trump.” Though electing Trump would be a grave mistake for the future of the United States, there are not many better Republican options. To ensure the Democratic candidate gets elected, Trump, unfortunately, has to win the Republican nomination. Enough independents and Republicans despise the former president, so they will hold their nose and vote for the Democratic candidate. When asked if he believed Trump had a chance to win, Mack Roxworthy, a senior, said, “yeah, I think there’s no way he has a chance. I mean, I think it would be fun to see.” Though the idea of the former president winning anything is nauseating, to ensure that we don’t elect another Republican nut-job, Trump has to be nominated for the Republican party.