Should All Teachers Accept Late Work?
Teachers at La Jolla High School should allow students to submit late work, especially if a student has a personal issue preventing them from turning in assignments on time.

Currently, only a few teachers allow late work to be submitted after the due date. Some students believe it should be a new rule that all of the teachers accept late work up to a certain date after the assignment was originally due.
When asked her opinion on the matter, La Jolla High junior Nina Yamini states, “Yes I think that they should allow late work because people have lives outside of school and can’t always get everything done on time. I think students should have up to a week to submit assignments late.”
La Jolla High School students want to have around a week to submit work after the due date. Students have a lot of classes, and most of the time, it’s difficult to complete all of the assignments on time.
Teachers should be understanding toward this and take into account the amount of homework that students have with six classes.
La Jolla High sophomore Ava Babin wanted to share her thoughts, “Yes, they should allow late work because the student could be having personal issues or don’t have enough time in their busy schedule.” Additionally, if students have an after school activity such as sports, they have even less time to complete all of their assignments.
While it could be difficult for teachers to grade late submissions, it is important that students have a grace period for assignments in case they have any issues completing it.

Rachelle Roberson is a senior at La Jolla High and it is her third year in Journalism. Last year, she enjoyed her time as the News Editor and this year...