One Homecoming King and Queen is better than Two

When homecoming is taking place, voters decide the deserving winners of homecoming king and queen.
Should they vote for two homecoming kings and queens to win the title, or should there be only one of each? When questioning this topic to two students at La Jolla High School, one agreed with the basics of having one homecoming king and queen, while the other disagreed with the common norm of having one each.
Dorian Garb, a junior at La Jolla Highschool, thinks “there should continue to be only one homecoming king and queen because if schools decided to have two of each, the most voted individuals would not feel special if there were others chosen,” as well. The idea of having two of each would only ruin the experience and will fail to meet the criteria of feeling meaningful.
Though opinions similar to Dorian’s exist, another student at La Jolla Highschool, Romina Sattari, shared her thoughts. Romina believes this predictable way of only choosing one homecoming king and queen should change. Romina explains how having two is much better than having one of each; moreover, she stated there would be “more opportunities for others to feel special.”
Additionally, she voices that having two of each will not “negatively impact anyone.” Having a mindset similar to Romina’s puts out more positivity, therefore, is the better way of going about voting for homecoming kings and queens.

Emerson Smith is a junior at La Jolla High School . This is her first year experiencing journalism as a reporter. She hopes to improve upon her writing...