“Senior” Prom?

Photo via Unsplash
Senior prom is an event that many students look forward to during their four years in high school. Traditionally, at La Jolla High, only seniors are invited to the dance, with each senior being allowed to bring a guest, provided that the guest is within the high school age range. Prom should not be shared with other underclassmen because other dances such as ASB Ball and Homecoming already include all of the high school grade levels. A few schools selected to include students from other grade levels, most commonly juniors, at Prom. Allowing juniors to attend but not be able to invite other guests, while seniors retain that privilege. While others have a separate junior prom that is organized by the seniors, senior Brook Cousino said, “We should not have juniors be automatically invited to prom because we already share the Homecoming dance and ASB Ball. But I like the idea of a junior prom because it seems fun.” Cousino was open to another dance that included juniors and seniors, however, she preferred to keep Prom exclusive to seniors. Momentarily disregarding the logistical and financial challenges that would provide, a junior prom hosted by the senior class could be a way for the seniors to connect with the underclassmen while providing the juniors with a much needed reprieve from the rigor of junior year. Junior Julia Olfe said, “It’s fine only seniors go to Prom because that makes it more special, and juniors are technically not barred from going because seniors are able to invite them.” Allowing other grade levels to go to Prom without an invite would not only make it less special for seniors, but also potentially have the same effect on juniors. Although juniors who are invited are still able to go, being able to attend without an invite would enable a majority of the junior class to go to the dance, making it more similar to a normal dance. Some argue that allowing underclassmen to attend would relieve some pressure that seniors would feel to have the “perfect night.” Although there is a possibility that it could be true, it is more likely that the pressure of prom will remain.

Katie Frost is currently a senior and is the Editor-In-Chief for the La Jolla Hi-Tide student newspaper. Frost has a strong passion for journalism, and...