Will Smith Slaps Comedian Chris Rock at the Oscars

Starting in 1929, the Oscars has become one of the most popular award shows in the country. The 93rd Oscars were held Mar. 23, 2022, continuing the tradition of awarding the year’s best actors and filmmakers. However, this year the Oscars truly made history when Will Smith walked on stage and slapped announcer Chris Rock across the face on live television.

Chris Rock, a popular comedian and actor, was presenting the award for “Best Documentary,” making jokes, as most presenters do. Rock then put spotlight on Pinkett Smith (Jada), Will’s wife has alopecia, therefore resulting in her head being shaved. Rock jokes, “Jada, I love ya. G.I. Jane 2, can’t wait to see ya.” On screen, we see Pinkett Smith (Jada) roll her eyes as Will lightly laughs. Shortly after, the broadcast shows Will storming on stage, slapping Chris Rock, and walking away. Once back in his seat Will was censored, still angry and vocal about the comment. Rock, shocked and surprised, carried on the show until his role was over. “When I was watching the Oscars, I was surprised to see Will Smith slap Chris Rock just for making a joke,” said freshman Ryan Kestler.

Nevertheless, the show continued with presentations and awards. Smith stayed for the ceremony and later won the Oscar for “Lead Male Actor.” Due to the controversy from the slap, and debates whether it was staged or not, The Academy proceeded to investigate the issue and do what is necessary.  

“I believe Will Smith’s anger is justified, however, he should never have resulted in violence.” said senior Sofia Cardenas.

Overall, the drama caused by Chris Rock and Will Smith certainly has brought more light on the Oscars and Smith’s career.