There is Too Much Pressure To Attend College
Is college all just a scam? For students, there is a tremendous amount of pressure to attend college. When people have other plans besides going to college it’s often looked down upon because the social norm is to attend college. Students often hear that if they don’t attend college that it will be harder to become successful in life, but is that really the truth? When going to college, most of the time people end up paying for the experience but students are persuaded by colleges into thinking they need to go to be successful. Junior Sarah Tuszynski stated, “There is too much pressure to go to college because it is thought of as the only course to success when in reality there are many ways to end up happy and well achieved without spending tens of thousands of dollars on a degree you may not even use.” Most people end up going to college for four years but sometimes their degree is never used.
Parents often force college onto their kids because that’s what their parents did to them. Many kids do not have the option of going to college or not but if college is not so forced students would have the choice to do what they want and not worry about not becoming successful if college is not in their career path. Junior Rheily McWhorter said, “There’s 1000% too much pressure to go to college. From a young age, you’re trained and told that you don’t want something bad to end up on your record because colleges won’t accept you if you have something on your record. Also, the minute you get to high school college is shoved in your face and it makes it seem like you won’t be successful in life unless you go to college.” Most students have it engraved in their heads that they have to go to college because that’s what we are often told. It almost feels like students don’t get much of a choice of what they wanna do because there is an expectation for everyone to go to college.
Kamryn Clothier is a junior staff writer in her second year of Journalism. Her goals with joining journalism was to learn new writing techniques and to...