Mental Health Resources at LJHS

Via Unsplash
February 8, 2022
Finding proper mental health resources, especially for teenagers, is extremely important. When freshman Ronaldo Zuniga was asked if he’s ever been to the counselor’s office for mental health recourse, he simply said, “No I haven’t because I didn’t know our counselors could help you with mental health.”
In the past decade, it has become imperative that greater action is taken regarding high school students’ mental health. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, in 2019, “Over one in three high school students reported experiencing feelings of sadness and hopelessness, a 40% increase from 2009.” They also indicated that “One in five kids from 12 to 18-years-old have a diagnosed mental illness.” Adding to this issue, the COVID-19 pandemic has negatively affected many high school students’ mental health. Because LJHS had online school for nearly an entire year, it is crucial that students have help when they need it.
It is important that more is done to support students who are suffering from mental health. Unfortunately, many La Jolla High students are unaware of the school’s counseling availability, which could greatly help students in times of distress. Students at LJHS should know that they can reach counselors through email, or in-person to help with their social-emotional wellness. Currently, very few students use LJHS’s resources for mental health, but through announcements and posters around school, this could change. La Jolla High has plenty of available mental health resources that need to be advocated more to students so that people in need of counseling can receive the proper support.