Should teachers assign homework over breaks?

Should teachers assign homework over breaks?

Kamryn Clothier, Staff Writer

With winter break approaching, teachers are trying to cram as much work as possible before students leave. Most teachers do not feel the need to assign any work over school holidays as it is a time for both teachers and students to reset and take time off from school. Teachers should not assign homework over holiday breaks because it is a time for students and teachers to take a break from school and not worry about the inconvenience of having to grade students’ work or do homework. Junior Angelina Kwan said, “No, because many students need the breaks to study for SATs, prepare for college essays, or just take a break from school.”  Students should be given the option if they want to do anything academic over break, however, it should not be required.

School can be very stressful for students and cause much anxiety, so the break is an opportunity for students to reset and forget about school for a little bit. Teachers assigning homework over break only causes more stress for students instead of letting them rest and relax. Just as much as students need this break, so do teachers. If a teacher assigns homework, they should consider the possibility that students may not do it or their work may be late.  Sophomore Maria Zazueta said, “No teachers should assign homework during a break because we are supposed to rest from school, and they wouldn’t let us rest or have a break from school if we have homework.” Some families choose to travel during the time off, and it is inconvenient for students to have to worry about doing homework or assignments, therefore teachers should not assign homework to students over break.