What is your favorite Thanksgiving food and why?

Carly Pavlik, Editor

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Either mashed potatoes or chicken because I like chicken and if you add the right seasoning to mashed potatoes it can go well with literally everything.

— Jeko Todorov

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Pumpkin pie because it is desert so it is just definitively the best.

— Josh Rosen, senior

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Turkey because it is protein.

— Basanti Valerio, senior

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Mashed potatoes because potatoes are so versatile and mashed are their best form.

— Melanie Ceballos, senior

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Pumpkin pie because I like dessert and it matches the leaves during this time.

— Greg Baldwin, junior

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Mashed potatoes, because they’re potatoes, with butter.

— Nina Korevaar, junior

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Mashed potatoes because I love mixing it with the gravy and it goes great with everything.

— Natalie Gomez, junior

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I like the stuffing that my grandmother makes or buys from the store. The only good thing out of everything else.

— Hugh Robbins, junior

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Rolls because they are buttery and good. I just like bread.

— Cole Roberts, sophomore

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Turkey because it’s Thanksgiving and because it’s meat and I like meat.

— Cole Christopher, sophomore

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Turkey, it tastes good with macaroni as a meal.

— Julia Mendoza, sophomore

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My favorite dessert is pumpkin pie due to its complementary flavors and structural stability.

— Elijah Jones, freshman

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Turkey is my favorite because it matches well with other Thanksgiving staples, and can be delicious no matter how it’s cooked.

— David Abell, freshman

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Mashed potatoes are my favorite because my mom makes them taste the same every year so they’re really nostalgic.

— Riley Lohr, freshman

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My favorite Thanksgiving food is mashed potatoes because they are good and probably the only thing my mom can’t overcook.

— Ana Abell, freshman