Two-Days Versus Four-Days In School

Photo via Unsplash
May 11, 2021
After over a year of online school filled with endless Zooms and no real contact with anyone, students recently got the opportunity to start refilling the classrooms. On the week of April 12, La Jolla High students with the last names starting with A-L went to school on Monday and Tuesday and students with the last names of M-Z went to school on Wednesday and Thursday. The class sizes during the shortened schedule were very small and ranged from one student to about 10 students per class. After the first week of the two-day schedule, Dr. Podhorsky made an announcement that the class sizes are small enough to bring all in-person students to school Monday through Thursday while keeping Fridays asynchronous for everyone. With this four-day schedule, any classes that exceed 15 students will have a few students relocate and Zoom in the library in order to continue following safety protocols.
La Jolla High junior Nathan Kirn was excited when the school announced this four-day week schedule. “I enjoy the four-day schedule because I get the chance to see more of my friends and it offers a better learning environment for me and everyone else on campus.” Kirn also talked about how his teachers also enjoy having more kids on campus at a time. On the flip side, sophomore Chloe Lynn prefers the two-day schedule, “I am still adjusting to going back to school and the four-day schedule is a little overwhelming but I enjoy seeing more of my friends.” The majority of students are a little on the fence about the increase of in-person school days, but it is definitely beneficial in the long run and more students are likely to realize that soon.