Should Businesses like Restaurants and Stores be Closed?

Ella Reinbolt, Staff Writer


Many businesses in California have been struggling to stay open during COVID-19. However, a lot of the owners of these businesses do not have any other source of income. The circumstances from now to earlier this year have caused thousands of establishments to close, which unfortunately cut off a huge source of income for many families. These families may also be struggling to find jobs due to COVID-19 since certain jobs have been limited or stopped hiring completely to avoid health violations. As cases have lowered, more businesses have been allowed to stay open; however, this raises a question for business owners: Should income be prioritized over other people’s health?

 According to a Yelp Local Economic Impact Report from late September 2020, nearly 100,000 business establishments have been shut down during the pandemic, a number that has surely gone up since the review. This shows that many families and individuals are struggling because many of these businesses are unable to reopen. Freshman Layla Kamali said, “Stores and restaurants should definitely be allowed to stay open. Some of the families may not have any other way to get money. It should be fine as long as they limit who can come in the stores and if everyone wears a mask.” The CDC has fortunately provided a list of guidelines for establishments to follow, showing that more limitations can reduce the risk of COVID-19 spreading. 

The CDC has recommended that businesses have person capacities, hand sanitizer, and markings on the floor to show a 6 foot distance. While this does not completely stop the spread of COVID-19, it reduces the risk. Freshman Sophia Rollick says, “I think businesses should be allowed to stay open during the pandemic because that’s probably the only income the owner gets.” Rollick continued, saying, “If the business is shut down it’ll hurt the whole family.” Certain businesses should definitely be allowed to stay open, as long as the said businesses are not a large corporate chain. Smaller businesses need opportunities to stay open now more than ever because 2020 has been a rough year, and the owners of these businesses are most likely relying solely on the success of their establishments for money to get them through the end of the year.