Large Groups Should Not Meet During The Holidays

Photo via Unsplash

Clare Sandell, Staff Writer

After the United States was hit hard by COVID-19, people have raised the question of whether or not large groups should meet during the holidays. According to the CDC, “Celebrating virtually or with members of your own household poses the lowest risk for spread.” Celebrating virtually is one of the best ways for families to see each other on these special days without being exposed to one another. According to junior Ky Vaickus, “Doing virtual holidays would have the same effect as simply wearing a mask, but if it is the best way to see their families, it will do no harm.” Using virtual platforms can help those who are most susceptible to the virus stay safe rather than exposing them to large groups of people. With the upcoming holidays, families around the world need to limit their exposure to COVID-19 by staying home and taking all the safety precautions possible.  

According to the Minnesota Department of Health, “In order to prevent the spread of the virus people can: hold small gatherings outside, wear a mask indoors and outdoors, and stay six feet apart from each other.” The government has recommended people to take these several precautions, but there are many large families that just want to spend time with each other and will not follow those safety recommendations. Even though these precautions can help stop the spread, it will be hard to make sure that the whole country will stay safe by limiting their exposure to the virus. 

Since the holidays are right around the corner, people are debating whether or not flying is a good option. According to junior Charlotte Gayner, “As long as airline companies aren’t packing planes full of people, then it should be fine if everyone is wearing their masks and taking proper safety precautions.” Although these precautions will reduce the risk, flying still brings the potential of people not following these precautions to the best of their ability. Pediatrician Dr. David Rubin stated on CNN, “I believe that with the pressure to get home for Thanksgiving, there are going to be people who test positive who are going to jump on the airplane anyway.” People all across the world need to limit their exposure to the virus during the holidays in order to stop the quick spread of the virus.