Ban for Marijuana Billboards

February 10, 2020
On January 13th, San Diego City Council approved a ban on billboards advertising marijuana dispensaries within 1,000 feet of schools, daycares, and parks where kids could see them. According to NBC 7, retailers have 180 days to comply with the new law or risk their business being shut down. Freshman Vincent Ricchiuti said, “It’s a good idea to take down marijuana billboards near schools because children can be exposed to it and by seeing it advertised, they could think it’s alright to smoke weed.”
There are 644 billboards in San Diego relating to marijuana, but only 352 will be able to remain due to the new law that will be set in motion mid-June of this year. According to Fox 5, it was a unanimous decision when the idea was pitched to the City Council. In contrast to what Freshman Vincent Ricchiuti speculated, Sophomore Angel Villa said, “I don’t think it really matters if they put up billboards about weed near schools because it isn’t affecting anyone and I don’t think it makes kids want to buy marijuana.” There is much controversy surrounding the topic, especially since cannabis was recently legalized in California. However, one thing is certain: The new law will have a direct effect on many retailers in upcoming months.