Seniors Win PowderPuff

Ava Guerrazzi-Nicholson, Staff Writer

On January 8th, four teams comprised of female La Jolla High students, one for each grade, played in an event called PowderPuff. At first, two games of flag football were played on the field at the same time. These included the freshman versus the juniors, and sophomores versus the seniors. The seniors and juniors both won their first match. In the final match, the seniors played the juniors and the senior class won the Powder Puff game. 

A day prior to PowderPuff, Senior Annika Knott said, “I’ve participated in Powderpuff since my freshman year and I love the teamwork that goes into it, no matter what the outcomes of the games are. I think it will be one of my favorite high school memories to look back on.” 

The day after PowderPuff, Senior Royce Epperson said, “After participating for four years, I am really happy that we won. It was just for fun but we really did well as a team out there. Also, I think it is a really good activity to get involved with school spirit.” 

The Powder Puff game of 2020 was more than just a game; it was a great way to bond with teammates and make new memories together.