Attack on London Bridge

Noah Pavlik, Staff Writer

According to BBC News, on November 29th, three people were injured and two died in the attack on London Bridge. The perpetrator, Usman Khan, had been released from prison in 2018 after committing a similar terrorist attack. 

The attacker was on his way to an offender rehabilitation conference in Fishmongers’ Hall. He wore a fake suicide vest and started his attack on the bridge with two knifes taped to his wrists. He killed two people by stabbing them in the chest. A few bystanders tried to help stop the man attacking by using fire extinguishers and even a narwhal tusk that was used to slow him down until police arrived.

Freshman Carly Pavlik shared her thoughts on the stabbing. “This attack sounds crazy, I just don’t understand why they would release him and let him back on the streets after a similar attack in 2018.” Freshman Kaiya Jessen added, “It’s a good thing the people stepped in when they did otherwise I feel this could have been a terrible attack.” 

The attack lasted until the police arrived and shot Khan dead. Three victims of the attack were attendees at Cambridge University; two were killed and one was injured. The families were devastated as the family of Jack Merritt took part in a vigil at the Guildhall in Cambridge on Monday, according to BBC.