How would you ask or like to be asked to homecoming this year?

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With a poster, a bouncy ball, and a vibe check

— Luke Cepurac

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I want a plane to fly over and write ‘HOCO?’ in the sky

— Stella Wineman

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I would ask by dropping a big poster over a railing like in High School Musical

— Makai Smith

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I’d like someone to ask me based on one of my interests. Perhaps a Shrek quote

— Claire Mato

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If I played a sport right now, I would like to be asked at my game with flowers and a poster

— Caroline Palmer

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Something basic. Not too much, because a lot can be overwhelming

— Lauren Thickstun

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I probably wouldn’t ask someone unless we were both alone. The same applies to if I were being asked, I’d want it to be discreet in case I say no

— Madeleine McCullough

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I would like to be asked in front of the entire school. Maybe at a pep rally or school event

— Maxine Mclnerney

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I would ask someone to homecoming with a hotdog. I would carve, ‘hoco?’ into it and ask them to take a bite. If they took a bite, I would take them

— Alex Mesri

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I would like a sign and for him to bring chicken wings and say, ‘I’ve never asked anyone to homecoming before, so I’m just going to wing it

— Carly Pavlik

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Plain and simple. Just a poster saying, ‘Daisy do you want to go to hoco?’ Maybe some flowers or food. I don’t like crazy things, simple is the way to go

— Daisy Ortega de la Torre

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I always thought it’s really cute with a poster, it’s going the extra effort for someone you care about. Maybe to their favorite song. I also love puns!

— Kiara Smylie