Budget Cuts Limit LJHS Bussing

September 24, 2019
School is a right that every young person is entitled to. For some the struggle is the environment and for others, it is the way to get there. Getting to school on time is very important so no one misses anything. One of the issues in our school is the busses. There are two bus stops outside of La Jolla, these are called the VEEP and Magnet stops. The VEEP stop is located on 28th Street and Broadway, the Magnet stop is located in front of Rodriguez Elementary. Sophomore Danny Molestina has been taking the bus ever since he was a sixth grader at Muirlands Middle School. When asked what he would suggest to improve the process of riding the bus, Molestina responded with “I would get more busses available to make getting to school easier”. He is not the only person who feels that the bussing system can be improved, when asked what is one way the service could improve sophmre Jesus Valeriano said “I would want to get here a little earlier because we are getting here right when the bell rings” Junior Joana Baez has been taking the bus for six years ever since she was in Muirlands Middle School, in response to the same question she said “I would keep everything the way it is so it doesn’t keep on changing”. Their voices echoed several students who embrace the late start time because it allows them to sleep in. The only downside to all of this is the amount of busses and bus stops has decreased which then decreases enrollments and/or forces people to take the city bus.