Official Publication of La Jolla High School Since 1924

Is ISIS Defeated?

Trump’s Decision to Pull Troops out of Syria

Katie Frost, Staff Writer

In the mission to defeat ISIS, the United States has made significant progress to retake land controlled by the terrorist group. ISIS, or Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria, informed Time News, had taken control of 34,000 square miles of Middle Eastern territory. According to Wilson Center, “after the United States and other countries’ armies took action against the terrorists in mid-2014…ISIS...

ISIS “Defeated”

Nick Keener, Staff Writer

The radical terrorist group known as ISIS was believed to threaten generations to come, until the president recently stated ISIS was defeated. In March of 2019, President Trump declared that ISIS was 100 percent defeated. According to Politico, “The U.S. will be forced to continue to shoulder the burden in Syria, virtually guaranteeing a return to a full withdrawal.” Just because ISIS is “defeated”...

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